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Can I Switch Membership From One Club To Another Without Paying The New Club's Membership Fee?

Membership Changes and Charges: What You Should Know

Complimentary One-Year Members:Members with complimentary one-year membership cannot change the Club without payment of 60% of the Annual Membership Charges. Currently, membership is free for all the Clubs on the platform and is subject to approval of the Club Owners.

  1. Annual Membership Charges: Currently, membership is free for all the Clubs on the platform. Updates of milestones approaching and any Fee change updates will be posted on the Notice Board by the Janta Synergy Admin team with adequate 30 days information in advance.

  2. Paid Club Members:
  3. Currently, membership is free for all the Clubs on the platform.
    1. Please be aware of these guidelines regarding Club Changes and associated Fees. It is always advisable to read the description of the Club and make a conscious decision of choice of Club.
    2. Reading FAQs is always helpful. Our Admin team may be approached as well for clarifications if any.

What Are The Clubs Available To Join? What Age Limit Is There?

The following Clubs are available to join. Approval is at the discretion of the Club Owner(s). You need a Referral Code to join. There is no upper age limit.

Special Services provided by the Club, event tickets etc. may be chargeable and are subject to offerings from each club. Do look for accruing points to redeem for discounts etc.

16 years and above: 

Club Creative Den - Suitable for artists, designers, writers, poets, sculptors, Essentially creative people.

Annual Membership Fee: Currently, membership is free for the Clubs on the platform.

Travel Trails and Tales - Suitable for those in the travel and hospitality sector, food industry, cafes, homesteads, travellers etc.

Annual Membership Fee: Currently, membership is free for the Clubs on the platform.

Beyond School - Suitable for educators, learners, skilling, those in the business of up-skilling, teaching, coaches, mentors, etc.

Annual Membership Fee: Currently, membership is free for the Clubs on the platform.

18 years and above: (all of the above and Clubs mentioned below)

The Thursday Thing - Suitable for students, entrepreneurs, story-tellers, MSMEs, professionals

Annual Membership Fee: Currently, membership is free for the Clubs on the platform.

Wellness Connect - Suitable for those interested in wellness, products, services and alternative healing, fitness and related industry

Annual Membership Fee: Currently, membership is free for the Clubs on the platform.

Sustainability Nerds - Suitable to everyone interested in and invested in the sustainability sector including green energy, conservation, solar and wind energy, eco-support arena

Annual Membership Fee: Currently, membership is free for the Clubs on the platform.

Other Professional Clubs:

Better Cornerstone - Suitable for coaches, mentors, trainers, speakers, facilitators, event hosts, project professionals, gig workers etc.

Annual Membership Fee: Currently, membership is free for the Clubs on the platform.

WEPA (Women Empowered Project Awareness) - All inclusive Women's Only Club - support, share, collaborate and connect - women professionals and entrepreneurs, homepreneurs 

Annual Membership Fee: Currently, membership is free for the Clubs on the platform.

Veteran Synergy - Only serving personnel and veterans of the Indian Army, Indian Navy, Indian Air Force, ITBP, Assam Rifles are permitted. This is an exclusive club that helps military people connect with each other and supports Military to Corporate/Entrepreneurship journey. 

Annual Membership Fee: Currently, membership is free for the Clubs on the platform.

Donors Club - Suitable for anyone who wishes to donate hours of expertise so that someone can be assisted in arenas they are not able to afford - this can be children, young sports people, skilling of sports people and spouses and children of deceased military personnel, serving military personnel and those of veterans. Minimum hours of committed time and expertise donation is 40 hours a year.

Annual Membership Fee: Currently, membership is free for the Clubs on the platform.

How Do I Create An Ad And Post It On The Marketplace Hub Of My Choice?

Please email connect@jantasynergy.com for placing Ad in any of the Hubs. 

You may redeem your Free Ad gifts provided to you upon initial joining. 

Once you have redeemed those privileges, Ads may be placed upon payment of INR 250 and above (based on your plan selection for a duration of 2 weeks on the App Marketplace Hub of your Choice. You can choose date period. Your Ad may also be shared for a period of 1 week in a Club of your Choice. Once the period is up, the Ad will be removed. Posting of Ads in Clubs is by Janta Synergy Admin Only. 

This does not include Billboard Virtual. Please see FAQ How do I place Ad on Billboard Virtual and how is that different from other Marketplace Hubs?

What Is The Referral Program?

Membership Referral Program: Earn and (or) Extend Membership for another year.

This program offers loyalty points that may be redeemed for discounts for offerings within the club events or in the Marketplace.

    1. Join the Referral Program and not only earn but also enjoy redeeming it (optional) by extending your membership at the existing rate. Membership Fee will increase with milestones of number of members increasing on the App.

      Please be mindful and refer people you know only.

      Any business transaction conducted as a result of meeting someone on the App and its affiliated Clubs is the sole responsibility of the individual and business conducted.

      The App will not be liable for mis-conduct and illegal transactions and members will be removed immediately without notice.

What Reasons Can I Lose Membership Of The Club I Am In? What Happens To My Membership Fee?

Membership Rules and Consequences: What You Need to Know

No Posts on Sensitive Topics: Avoid discussions or posts related to religion, politics, discrimination, non-inclusive volatile posts, or posts on pornography, as this platform focuses on business and beyond business networking. Please do not post pictures of minors either.

Be Mindful and Considerate: Keep in mind that this space is meant for mutual assistance and support. Be considerate of others' opinions and backgrounds.

Complaints and Proof: If you have complaints about a member's behavior, they should be supported by proof. Report such complaints only to Janta Synergy Admin for appropriate action.

Adherence to Rules: It's essential to follow these rules. Failure to do so may result in your membership being deactivated.

Final Decision: The decision to deactivate a membership is at the discretion of Janta Synergy and Club Owner(s), and their decision is final and binding. No refund of Membership Fee will be given for deactivating the membership on these grounds. All points accrued for engagement will be nullified.

Respect the rules: Be a positive contributor, and enjoy the collaborative and supportive environment of the Club.We make it our endeavour to be fair and maintain professional behaviour on the App, keeping our focus on mindfulness, synergies to collaborate an share resources. The behaviour of each member is of their own accountability. Membership may be forfeited in extreme cases. Loss of Badges and Club privileges suspension are some of the penalties that come with breach of trust, integrity and unprofessional behaviour.

Unethical business and transactions: Immediate loss of membership without any notice will occur upon discovery of any unethical and illegal practices. 

We are determined to keep this space as inclusive as we can. Aggression of any kind, threats and abuse will not be accepted. 

I Have An Existing Club/Community. How Can I Collaborate For Hosting My Offline Club On The App?

Yes, it is possible to host your community and engage with them, build professional network connections (using Janta Synergy guidelines)

Please be in touch with the Janta Synergy Admin at connect@jantasynergy.com

What Do I Do If I Have A Complaint?

If you have a complaint, please email the Admin of Janta Synergy at connect@jantasynergy.com

Someone will be in touch with you. 

What Is The Activity And Engagement Point System? What Are The Benefits?

Each activity on the App allocates points to your account.

Points are more for certain activities and one can use these points to redeem a number of things.

These points can be redeemed for discounts for attending ticketed events, placing ads, using donor mentorship, and other programs we have from time to time.

Points are controlled by the Janta Synergy Admin Team and decision on allocation of points for special activities is final and binding. 

How Can We Sponsor Meet Ups And Events?

Club Founders and Members can collaborate with Janta Synergy for offline/online/hybrid business Meet Up events

Please reach out to the Support Team on connect@jantasynergy.com 

Terms of agreement are based on event to event basis.

Rates will be applicable based on the event.

How Do I Place Ad On Billboard Virtual And How Is That Different From Other Marketplace Hubs?

Please email connect@jantasynergy for placing Ads on Billboard Virtual. 

You may redeem your Gift Coupon or pay for placing Ads on Billboard Virtual.

Fee for placing Ad on Billboard Virtual is INR 500 onwards and differs from plan to plan

This is what the Fee covers:

You choose the dates for the Ad for display 

Your Ad will be displayed in all Clubs for 2 weeks, on Billboard Virtual and the relevant Marketplace Hub for that period. 

Ads are deleted once the Ad period is over. Extension of Ad period can be done with on per week cost. Please connect with Admin for this. 

Your Billboard Virtual Ad will also be displayed on all our Social Media Pages on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn etc. 

How To Register On This Platform?

Download the mobile app from the Google Playstore or Apple App store or from the link provided through the referring Member.

A Referral Code is required to join the Clubs and the App. You will be emailed joining guide along with a payment link for joining. 

When you join, your membership generates a unique referral code for any new member made under your referral Code.

Everyone wins. Help everyone win.

No religious, political or abuse posts are permitted. This is primarily a professional and business networking related App. Membership can be deactivated for not following essential decorum. 

Be respectful and mindful. 

Please check the list of Clubs and age limit FAQ for more details about the Clubs.

What Is A Hub?

Hubs are advertising marketplaces where Ads can be placed to market products, creation and services, including coupons. Links can be added to the business/individual website.

To avail Ads services and post Ads, please be in touch with Admin at connect@jantasynergy.com

The Hubs are segregated into categories. 

The Billboard Virtual Hub is a multi-post Marketplace. All the Ads posted on Billboard also gets cross posted to the Clubs and to the relevant category as well. The Ads also will be posted on other social medial platforms on the Janta Synergy Page and can be collaborate posted onto the Business/individual's social medial handles where such a facility exists or tagged.

Ads are active for a period of 2 weeks.

Posting of Ads must be of professional/business standard and is subject to Approval. 

To avail services to create Ads, please email connect@jantasynergy.com